Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I thought I was tough..

...but I'm not. I wasn't prepared for this at all. Long after the pregnancy hormones are gone, the slightest little thing still makes me want to cry...
  • Her sweet little voice that wakes me up in the morning. And the smile that greets me as soon as I open my eyes.
  • The way she talks to her reflection in the mirror every morning.
  • A cute, toothless grin from underneath her pink duck towel.
  • Her pathetic little frown when she watches me walk out of a room.
  • How she reaches up for me when I come back.
  • How she knows it's bedtime when I turn on her lullaby c.d. and she immediately snuggles up against my chest and closes her eyes.
  • The way she looks at her daddy as if he's already her hero.
  • How Mommy can calm her down like no one else.

After 6 months of being her mommy, I feel like my heart is worn out from so much love. I literally feel like I don't have enough strength for the next 6 months.

How do people do this for so long? Doesn't it just get worse?

I really think it's impossible to understand even a hint of God's love for us until you experience the love of a parent for a child...


Sarah P. Henry said...

amen to all of this. as a mom who's heart has continued to expand -- even as it's exhausted me -- for the last 18 months, amen.

and to think i'm adding another to the mix.

and that there are years and years of this!

my heart shall surely explode.

at least my life will have ended with an overload of love.


you're a great mom, mari.

Meems said...

What a graceful way to express the love in your heart. They sure do steal your heart away.

What a sweet baby you have.