Friday, October 31, 2008

boobie blues

Let me start by saying, no one is forcing you to read this. If you wish to continue on, do so with the knowledge that you had your chance, the "back" button is right up there on your screen.

Here goes:

I have mastitis. Again.

I don't know how this happens! Everything I read says that "between 1-3% of nursing mothers experience mastitis, typically within the first 2-6 weeks of their child's life."

Well, my kid is 9 months old and I've fallen into the "1-3%" three times now.

This time I actually had to go through the "flu-like symptoms" that I was warned would happen if I didn't catch it in time.
So Tuesday morning (my "crazy, jam-packed schedule" day of the week), I woke up feeling horrible. I'm pretty much never sick - I can't afford to be. But I really thought I had the flu. So, I handed Brylie off to her daddy and said, "I'm going back to sleep...indefinitely."
He obliged and whisked her away to a morning of peach puffs and sesame street.
An hour later, I rolled over onto what I realized was a rather sensitive area, and it hit me.

So, Brandon had to cancel his day to stay home and be Mr. Mommy/Mommy's nurse.
The only time I managed to drag myself out of the bed all day was to write 3 emails to my profs explaining why I wouldn't be showing up for work/school (without really explaining why - I can just imagine these people discussing my boob issues amongst themselves).
Funny thing is, it took a few hours for me to realize that I didn't HAVE to get up and go to work. Take a day off to moan, groan, and flop around in bed? Never.
But I did it. I wish I could have actually enjoyed my day off, but I guess that's the way it goes.

Two days later, I don't feel "flu-ish" anymore, but I'm still sore. So that means the issue hasn't resolved itself yet. I've read that if it doesn't, they'll have to go in and take care of it...

but I guess two good things have come of this:
when I finally emerged from the bedroom, gas had dropped 10 more cents
I didn't change a single diaper all day long : )

1 comment:

Sandi said...

Hey Mari, just wait until you always know which direction is south.
feel better