Sunday, March 22, 2009

my 3-month struggle

That's right - it's still going on.

but I think I may have figured out how to get out of school alive...

if I switch to the shorter program, I can graduate in december, and have my life back.

however, I won't be able to sit for the LPC exam. meaning, less marketable.

BUT, much happier.
AND, I won't have to do 2-3 years of internships.

so it comes to this (and we'll just list the pros):

shorter program = more time with the family, more time with the ministry, the removal of 3-4 years of school/interships, still having an MS when it's all said and done, and significantly less chances of going berserk and shaving my head.

longer program = waaaay more marketable, more respectable program

Looks pretty obvious to me. 5 to 2.

Why do I need so much affirmation?! Just do it, already!


marme said...

From this side...

You have alot of years when babies are in school too, to go back and do the internships. You have certainly attained alot more than most your age.

I say take a break and enjoy the sweet life God has given you.

You're already tops in my book!

megan said...

amen sister!