Wednesday, January 28, 2009

whine and cheese

Have you ever felt like everything you were working so hard for was, really, for nothing?

I have.

I've spent the last 10 years of my life knowing that I wanted to be a counselor, and in one week, my vocational counseling professor has me convinced that that's not at all what I want to do.

Basically, here's what I've found out:

Moderately Successful LPC Practice

$7,000 - malpractice insurance
$6,300 - office rent
$3,000 - utilities
$26,000 - secretary
$2,000 - legal counsel
$2,200 - assessment fees

That leaves me with a grand total of $31,200.
To live on.
With a master's degree and licensure in professional counseling.
And student loans.
And bringing my clients' problems home with me.

Making $5,000 more than my secretary.

I know it's not all about the money, but it can be a little bit about the money...right?

1 comment:

Meems said...

Yes to both questions. Maybe you can be the ultra successful counselor in town;)