Monday, August 11, 2008

Why I Love Brandon...

There are lots of reasons, but here's one that just happened:

Brylie's teething pretty badly right now so getting her to sleep at night has been horrible for the last 3 nights. Tonight, I finally didn't know what to do so I just put her in her crib with music, a pacifier, and a wet washcloth to chew on (for her gums). She cried for a few minutes and then it got quiet.
Brandon came out 10 minutes later with a huge grin on his face and shaking his fists in victory.

I asked, "You did that?"
He said, "Yep."
"How?" I wondered in amazement.
He smiled and said, "I just rocked her, stroked her sweet little face, and told her all of the things I loved about her until she fell asleep."

I'm so glad he's my babydaddy.


Unknown said...

What a dad!

Meems said...

It was great seeing you tonight. I'm glad you've got such a great babydaddy...hehe.