Friday, August 5, 2011

one whole year.

i can't believe it's been a year since josiah (rather abruptly) entered this world.  
 and as much as i want my babies to stay little forever, i sure love an excuse to throw a party!

happy 1st birthday, josiah!

 so we deviated a little from the "milk" theme here…it was 105 degrees, after all.

 lots and LOTS of cookies


 brylie and ellie

 brylie and adisynne
(i think these two spent far too much time at the cookie table)

(have i mentioned how much i LOVE that these girls
and their families surprised us by driving in for the party??
it was the greatest thing ever.)

 all the cool kids wear cloth

happy birthday, jojo!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad bathroom gets a makeover!


 do we wonder why Brylie developed a fear of jungle animals when we moved here?

this poor wall had been painted and wallpapered more times than any wall deserves.

are you ready?!


(notice the brand, spankin' new tile floor?  that's right, my husband's the stud that did that)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

why do i love having a girl?


We ended up going with a pony tail today,
but, hey, now we know what
old-school rag rollers to do fine, 3-year-old hair. Yikes.

Monday, December 14, 2009

naughty or nice?

We'll see what the "big guy" says...

Brylie's message from Santa

Friday, December 4, 2009

two firsts

first #1 - a busted lip. it wasn't really too very traumatic, but the picture was worth sharing.

first #2 - a haircut. let's face it, it was about time. i just couldn't stand the thought of cutting off the ends because that's the hair she was born with. but, she was looking like a mullet-y ragamuffin, so it was time.

here we go...!

i told her i was going to cut it all off - she wasn't too thrilled about that, as you can see

as a matter of fact, i do know that there is almost no hair on that towel. baby steps...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

who could this be?

brandon found this picture today and insists it looks like the 25-year-old version of a certain 4-year-old redheaded boy who shall remain nameless.... hehe.